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A Man who loved Pigeons - Nikola Tesla

Kids story

Once upon a time a boy baby was born in dark stormy night. The doctor said to his mother that this baby was borne to darkness. But the baby’s mother said “No, He will be a child of Light”. His parents named him Nikola Tesla.

He was very good in science. His mother was the main reason for his obsession towards science. Nikola’s mom was a small time inventor. She invented an egg beater and other appliances which will make the household works, fast and quick. When Nikola was a young boy, he was affected by Cholera. His father said “If you recover from this disease, then I will allow you to join the Science College”. Miraculously, he was recovered and his father did join him in Science College as promised.

Nikola was excellent in his studies. He secured first rank in his class. Every day after his class gets over, he goes for work to earn some money. Because of his work, he lost interest in studies.

Nikola started working as a chief electrician in a telephone exchange. He invented Telephone repeater which was used in those days for communication.

Nikola worked for the world known scientist, Thomas Edison. Edison appreciated him for all Nikola’s works done using electricity. Later, Edison became very jealous about Nikola’s invention - The Arc lighting. So Nikola left the company and started his own company named Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing. Two businessmen cheated Nikola and took his invention's patent.

Nikola became poor. He again started to work as an electrician and also as garbage cleaner.

A man named Alfred met Nikola and said “I have heard about you and your inventions. If you wish we both could start a company and do many researches and invent new devices”. Nikola accepted Albert’s idea. Again a new company was born in the name Testla Electric Company.

Kids story

Nikola again invented an induction motor which works in alternative current.  Later, this induction motor was in demand among people. A big business man, Mr. George, wanted to work with Nikolas after hearing about his inventions. Both George and Nikola planned and worked well with inventing and discovering many instruments. Even George helped Nikola by setting up scientific labs to invent different equipment. But there was heavy competition in the market with similar motor. George didn’t have money to improvise or update the induction motor by providing new technology to the lab. Nikola knowing the position of George, he gave up all the money and rights he owned on his inventions and saved George from debt.

Later, when George was back to business with profits, he shared a big amount of money with Nikola, for the help he did during his hard times. After getting the money Nikola became very rich and used the money to install many scientific labs in his country.

Nikola wanted to give free electricity to all the people in the world. But his competitors didn’t let that happen.

Nikola faced many problems in his life. Many businessmen didn’t give way for his bright career and took away the rights for his inventions. He was persecuted in many situations in his life. Nikola became mentally stressed but never left his passion for science. He got patent rights for his 300 inventions.  He didn’t have a proper home to stay. Hence he was living in different hotel rooms for rent. Later changing from one hotel to another.

Nikola loves to feed thousands of pigeons in the parks and outside the cathedral. He also fed them from the windows of his hotel room. He gets complaints from the hotel manager for the mess /dirt that the pigeons left.

Once, a pigeon which was pure white in color with grey shades on the tip of its body, had a broken wing and leg. It came and rested on his window sill. He invented a device that fitted her body and was made easy for her to walk and fly. Nikola loved that female pigeon.

Nikola also announced that he invented a device called teleforce (death ray) which could end all war in the world.

After some years he died in his rented hotel room.

More than money he gave importance to humanity, friendship and service to the people.

This story was all about Nikola Tesla, infamous scientist. There is a big list of things he invented:

1. Vaccum variable capacitor

2. Wireless telegraphy

3. Neon Lamp

4. Violet Ray

5. Tesla’s oscillator

6. Telegeodynamics

7. Tesla turbine

8. World wireless system – Same tech - Bluetooth which we now use in our android phones

9. Tesla Valve

10. Three phase electric power

11. Induction Motor

12. Remote control

13. Radio

14. Tesla coil

P.S Eleon Musk’s Tesla cars were named as a tribute to the great scientist Nikola Tesla.

Kids story

Lessons to be Learned:

·            1.We should have courage to speak even your family or friends around you criticize.

·         2.Be humble to accept the mistakes and try to rectify it.

·         3.Have trust in you – If you don’t trust yourself, then who else will. 

·         4.Be you – Never try to impress anyone. Do whatever is good for you and makes you comfortable as long as it’s not harming anyone.

·        5. Being alone- Spend time for yourself. Read books, reflect on it and learn new things it will make you more creative. Share your ideas with others.

·         6.Surround yourself with people who have good positive thoughts. People who respects you and admires your work. 


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