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Showing posts from February, 2022

Kids Colorful Crayons

Once upon a time there lived a man named Edwin. He was an inventor and a businessman. Edwin had the habit of listening to the people and making what they needed. Edwin’s company sold carbon black made from burning oil and natural gas. It was used in printing ink, electric street lamps, stove and shoe polish. This carbon black made the car tires more durable. One day, Edwin got bored with the black color. Wherever he saw it was black. The work room had black grease on the wall. The workers were working with Black tar and it released Black smoke and Black dust. Then the output was Black dye and Black shoe polish. Edwin loved colors. When he sees anything colorful it made him happy. He liked the yellowish orange colored flowers in his garden. He enjoyed seeing the scarlet red color on cardinal’s feather (bird). He adored the bluish green color in waves of the sea. He had a cousin named Harold. He was a great salesman and who loved to travel around the world. Edwin and Harold ran the c

Sticky – The Ice cream Stick

A Strawberry ice cream stick went out for a walk on a sunny day. Due to heat, the ice cream melted away and only the stick remained under the sun. The stick started crying “Oh It was all my fault to go out on this hot sunny day. Look at me now! All my pink ice cream melted and I am left alone”. The stick cried, cried and cried for a very long time. He heard someone calling out. “Hey! Hey! Buddy! Hey! Why are you crying?” asked a Twig which was hanging out of a big banyan tree. The Popsicle Stick looked around and searched from where did the voice came. He looked up and saw the Twig smiling at him. The Stick filled Twig up with what happened few minutes back. Twig slowly got off from the tree and came down to have a word with the Stick. Twig said “Don’t cry Buddy! I can understand that your ice cream melted and now you don’t know what to do? May be… I can help you”. The Twig uttered “I have a friend whose name is Pencil. He lives in Paul Cadden’s pencil box. Let go and meet him”.

Rio learned Kindness

Rio, a toddler with blue eyes and brown curly hair. He loves his green Dinosaur toy. Rio’s favorites are candy, jelly beans, chocolates and butter cookies . On a windy day, he went to school. He was in a very bad mood because his umbrella flew away on the way to school. Rio sat quietly in the class and was thinking what he should say to his mom if she asks “Where is the umbrella??” Lia, his classmate saw Rio’s moody face and came near to speak with him. But Rio angrily shouted at her and said “Go away! You specky girl! Go away!” as Lia wears spectacle to her school everyday. She was saddened by Rio’s words and left the desk. The next day, mom asked Rio “Where is the umbrella which I gave you yesterday??” With little fear in his eyes Rio answered “Mom, it was blown away by the wind. I tried to catch it but…it went high ..high..high up high in the sky” Mom said “It’s okay Dear! I will buy a new one”. Then she continued “Yesterday I saw Lia, she looked very upset and sad. What hap

Happy Popcorn Day!

It was a big day. It’s Popcorn Day. Every corn from the jar was ready to celebrate this day. Carlo shouted “Ooooohhoooo. I am so excited! I can’t wait to jump into the big bowl and get popped”. Katie said “This is going to be awesome!!” Parly said “Yuuhooo…I am going enjoy this popping” In the kitchen there was a big line of corns that were leaving their jar for the first time and marching like a parade of soldiers towards the big yellow bowl. They shouted “Left ..Right..Left…Left   …Right…Left!” The hero of the corns – Churbs was leading them all in a perfect line and order and watching them as they move forward to the bowl which was inside the Microwave. Churbs had a pre-preparation list to check out. The items written on it were Oil, Butter, Cheese, Salt, Heat and Mooreeeee….. Heat. Like the other corns, Churbs was dreaming about this day for many months. They all lined up and went inside the bowl. The bowl was kept in the oven. Pipper popped. Cornel popped. Otto poppe

A Man who loved Pigeons - Nikola Tesla

Once upon a time a boy baby was born in dark stormy night. The doctor said to his mother that this baby was borne to darkness. But the baby’s mother said “No, He will be a child of Light”. His parents named him Nikola Tesla. He was very good in science. His mother was the main reason for his obsession towards science. Nikola’s mom was a small time inventor. She invented an egg beater and other appliances which will make the household works, fast and quick. When Nikola was a young boy, he was affected by Cholera. His father said “If you recover from this disease, then I will allow you to join the Science College”. Miraculously, he was recovered and his father did join him in Science College as promised. Nikola was excellent in his studies. He secured first rank in his class. Every day after his class gets over, he goes for work to earn some money. Because of his work, he lost interest in studies. Nikola started working as a chief electrician in a telephone exchange. He invented Te

Johnny and the Cave of Eyes

Johnny is a poor orphan young boy but he was wise enough to do any kind of work. He had no place to go or no food to eat. Johnny does small works in the village like taking care of fields, carrying wheat sacks to the barn, feeding ducks. In return he got some bread to eat and a place to stay. Once the job is done, they will send him away. On such a day, Johnny was wandering in search of a job. Far away he saw a farm with a big apple tree, rose garden and many goats. He approached the owner of the farm. His name was Lucas. Lucas is a blind man. He had no eyes in the socket. His face looked like Skeletor (He-man’s villain). Lucas asked Johnny to take care of his goats. Lucas warned Johnny, “there are three sister witches in this village. With their evil power, they will put us to sleep and take our eyes and also steal the goats for making some magic potion. That’s how I lost my eyes”. Lucas advised Johnny to take care of the goats and also his eyes. For the first two days Johnny to

How to become Beautiful? - Secret revealed

It was Adelina’s Birthday. She turned nine. All her friends came to celebrate her Birthday. The house was beautifully decorated with her favorite rose gold balloons and glitter strings which hung in the wall.   Her mother prepared tasty dishes for her and her friends. She cooked puffy pooris with peas and potato gravy, roasted cauliflower, French fries and a big jar of fresh orange juice. She didn’t forget to bake the top most all time favorite Red Velvet cake. Adelina’s friends were all different, each one with different personality and character. But she loved them all. Teena was short and dark girl. Rinku was quiet tall and had big eyes. Roshini has curled hair. Padma, a plumpy girl. Iren was fair and had freckles on her face. Alankrita had strong legs like an athlete. Alice’s hair was brown and long. And Adelina was brown, skinny and had a big nose that looked odd on her face. There were other perfect and beautiful girls in the school. They always tease Adelina and her friend

Lazy Donk-Donk Donkey

Old Mac Donald had a big farm, where he grew many ducks, goats, horses, hens, pigs and donkeys. Among the other animals, two donkeys were best friends. One’s name is Donk-Donk and other donkey’s name is Kim. Donk-Donk is a very lazy donkey. Donk-Donk will graze the fresh green grass and sleeps all the time in the farm. He spent his time happily without doing any work in the farm. Kim is very hardworking. Every morning he woke up early, once the maid untie his rope, he will start his daily routine by carrying bundles of straws from the field to  Mac Donald’s barn yard. Each day was a very tiring day for him. When he returns back to his stable, he will eat the dried grass and goes to sleep. One sunny day, Kim became very tired after carrying bundles of goods under the very hot sun. He was sweating and dizzy as if he was about to faint and fall. But Kim somehow managed to go back to the stable and lay down. Seeing the tired Kim, Donk-Donk said “I feel so pity for you”. Kim replied

The Prince and his Three friends - Long, Broad and Sharp eye

Long ago, there lived a King. He was very old and but wise too. He had a son named Charles. One morning the King called Charles and said “Son! I am weak and old now. Before I die, I want you to get married to a beautiful and clever princess. If you like any, please tell me. I will get you married to that girl”. The Handsome prince Charles didn’t know how to choose a bride for him. His father, the King gave him a gold key to the Prince and said “This is the key for the tower of this castle. Open the room, you will find 11 pictures of beautiful princesses. You can choose your bride to be from them but never open the covered picture in the tower room”. The Prince unlocked the tower room and saw beautiful pictures of the princess es. Now he was more confused to chose his bride, as all the girls looked stunning beautiful. The prince was very curious to open the covered picture warned by his father. When he opened it, he saw the most beautiful girl image in it. The Bride was chosen. Af

Full Moon - Poem

A Cannon ball A lost Balloon A Peppermint A pool of Lead A mighty Lump Of Porridge limp A lamp, a polished Dustbin Lid The Hubcap from an auto route The Helmet of An Astronaut A Mottled dish Or Disc at dusk will sink almost In mist, or moistly Float - William Beably Wright   The moon is described in a new way comparing it with different objects which we see in our daily life. The poet expresses how the moon’s shape looks.  He says the Moon looks like a round metal cannon ball which can be seen in olden times at war.  Moon looks like a round balloon which is lost in the open space. It looks like a white round peppermint (not the polo peppermint with a hole in the centre) which the kids love to eat. The moon looks like a pool of soft metal-lead. The round moon looks like a lump in the porridge- cereals with water or milk. It also looks like a round metal lid of an old fashioned bin which was kept in corners of the streets. The moon looks like a hubcap –