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The Prince and his Three friends - Long, Broad and Sharp eye

Long ago, there lived a King. He was very old and but wise too. He had a son named Charles. One morning the King called Charles and said “Son! I am weak and old now. Before I die, I want you to get married to a beautiful and clever princess. If you like any, please tell me. I will get you married to that girl”.

Fairy tale

The Handsome prince Charles didn’t know how to choose a bride for him. His father, the King gave him a gold key to the Prince and said “This is the key for the tower of this castle. Open the room, you will find 11 pictures of beautiful princesses. You can choose your bride to be from them but never open the covered picture in the tower room”.

The Prince unlocked the tower room and saw beautiful pictures of the princesses. Now he was more confused to chose his bride, as all the girls looked stunning beautiful. The prince was very curious to open the covered picture warned by his father. When he opened it, he saw the most beautiful girl image in it. The Bride was chosen.

After hearing this, the King was very upset. He told his son “She is a prisoner of a powerful wizard. He has kept her in an Iron castle. It is difficult to rescue and marry her.

                   fairy tale

The prince took it as a challenge and left his palace.

On the way he met a man named Long. He came as a surprise, as he can grow as tall as he wants to be. He can touch the sky, tallest mountain and even the moon. The prince asked him to join the mission and help him rescue the princess. Prince Charles and Long continued the journey.

In the next stop they met another stranger. His name was Broad. He can expand himself as massive as a mountain. The Prince told him about the Princess. Broad also joined the two and all the three of them continued the travel.

Lastly, another traveler came and joined them. His name was Sharp eye. He has a very powerful eye sight. He can see things anywhere in the planet and also he can set fire like Xmen Cyclop’s optic blast.

All the three reached the iron castle. It was like Hogward’s gate- big and rusty. They saw many human stone statues in different postures which scared them.  But they gained courage and went inside the castle and shouted for the princess to come out. Unfortunately, the Wizard appeared in front of them. The prince told that he wanted to marry the princess but the wizard gave him the most difficult task of protecting the princess for three days. Because she also has magical power of changing her own in different forms and tries to escape from the castle every night.

Fairy Tale

First day- The princess vanishes from the castle and took a form of acorn and stayed in an oak tree. Sharp eye spotted her using his powerful eye sight and Long grew tall and took her from her the tree and returned her back to the Wizard.

Second day –Again the Princess escaped and took a form of precious stone and hid herself on a mountain. Sharp eye found her and told Long her hiding place. Long brought her back to the iron castle.

Third day - The princess takes the form of a golden ring and hides inside the shell in the Ocean Ave. Sharp eye spotted her and Long took help from Broad. Long carried Broad to the shore and Broad drank all the water in the ocean. Broad looked like a walking ocean. The princess was sent back to the iron castle.

The prince succeeded the challenge with help of his three friends.

Knowing that he was defeated, the Wizard turned himself as a crow and flew away leaving the princess and his iron castle.

The Princess fell in love with the handsome Prince Charles who risked his life and saved her from the evil Wizard. The Prince got married to the Princess back in his palace. He requested Long, Broad and Sharp eye to stay with them in the palace. But the friends refused the offer and said they would like to travel more in search of their fortune.


The End

MORAL: Life is all about facing new challenges. It’s a matter of how you learn to overcome it and use it as your advantage.








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