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Happy Popcorn Day!

It was a big day. It’s Popcorn Day. Every corn from the jar was ready to celebrate this day. Carlo shouted “Ooooohhoooo. I am so excited! I can’t wait to jump into the big bowl and get popped”.

Katie said “This is going to be awesome!!”

Parly said “Yuuhooo…I am going enjoy this popping”

Kids story

In the kitchen there was a big line of corns that were leaving their jar for the first time and marching like a parade of soldiers towards the big yellow bowl.

They shouted “Left ..Right..Left…Left  …Right…Left!”

The hero of the corns – Churbs was leading them all in a perfect line and order and watching them as they move forward to the bowl which was inside the Microwave.

Churbs had a pre-preparation list to check out. The items written on it were Oil, Butter, Cheese, Salt, Heat and Mooreeeee….. Heat.

Like the other corns, Churbs was dreaming about this day for many months. They all lined up and went inside the bowl. The bowl was kept in the oven. Pipper popped. Cornel popped. Otto popped…all the other corns popped except for our Hero-Churbs. 

Churbs felt sad. He turned around and saw all his friends turned into Popcorn.

The popcorns started jumping out of the bowl and started walking towards the red and white striped popcorn paper bag. Churbs waited, waited and waited... at least in the last moment he thought he might get popped. But he was still the same corn. Sad Churbs went back to the jar and stayed alone for a long time.

Each day he was thinking "what went wrong? Why I didn’t get popped up like my friends? What went wrong? Is it because of less oil or low heat??" He kept on thinking.

Kids story

After a week, he smelled his favorite butter floating on the breeze. Churbs slowly opened the jar’s lid and jumped out. He started following the smell….hmmmm…yumm…He passed through a jar of sugar, salt, pepper, olive oil, coffee beans and went near the big bowl from where the smell was coming from.

Churbs slowly climbed the bowl and peeked inside. He saw few corns and a half popped corn inside the bowl. They called out for him to come inside. The other corns were brushing themselves on the little pool of melted butter in the bowl.

Churbs asked “Isn’t butter only for Popcorns?”

But the corns disagreed and said “No! No! Butter is for everyone. Popped or half popped or not popped”.

                                        kids story

Listening to the other corns, Churbs felt happy and started to roll over the butter. Churbs and his new friends walked around the counter top which was stocked with all the delicious ingredients  like Parmesan cheese, melted chocolate and  bottles with Caramel syrup, vanilla and almond syrup, Lemony kale, maple syrup  and glittering salt.  

It was like Heaven. They ran into the cheese, soaked in the melted chocolate and were best spinner in the butter like Figure skaters.

A month later, the next Popcorn Day arrived. But this time Churbs was with his new friends holding the board and wishing “Happy Pop or Not” for the new set of corns who are about to come out of the oven.

In case, there may be corns that don’t pop just like him. And it is okay not to pop or half pop.

Moral: Everyone cannot get first mark in the class or get a CEO position in an office. It is okay to get average marks or sometimes it okay if you failed. Life has different plan for everyone. Keep on trying and never lose hope. Have trust on you.



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