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How to become Beautiful? - Secret revealed

It was Adelina’s Birthday. She turned nine. All her friends came to celebrate her Birthday. The house was beautifully decorated with her favorite rose gold balloons and glitter strings which hung in the wall. 

Her mother prepared tasty dishes for her and her friends. She cooked puffy pooris with peas and potato gravy, roasted cauliflower, French fries and a big jar of fresh orange juice. She didn’t forget to bake the top most all time favorite Red Velvet cake.

Kids story

Adelina’s friends were all different, each one with different personality and character. But she loved them all. Teena was short and dark girl. Rinku was quiet tall and had big eyes. Roshini has curled hair. Padma, a plumpy girl. Iren was fair and had freckles on her face. Alankrita had strong legs like an athlete. Alice’s hair was brown and long. And Adelina was brown, skinny and had a big nose that looked odd on her face.

There were other perfect and beautiful girls in the school. They always tease Adelina and her friends for the looks they had.

Before the party, the girls - Adelina and her friends started to talk about their own looks and how they wanted to hide or change them. So they can also look beautiful like their other perfect girls in the group.

Mom heard them and thought why these girls are complaining so much about their outer looks, but they have forgotten to see the great qualities in them. Teena was the bravest girl in the class. Alankrita with those strong legs can do a perfect cartwheel roll. Irena is a very calm, kind and sweet girl. She helps anybody who is in need. She shares her books, pencils and eraser. Padma is very good in sports like Disc throw and shotput.

Mom said to herself that “If they could change their views about themselves, they will stop complaining about their looks”.

A great idea popped out of her mind.

Moral story

Adelina’s mom had a magic box which was given by her mom. She called Adelina and other girls and opened the box in front of them. To the girls’ surprise, a Fairy came out of the magic box. Mom said that this fairy has a magical mirror and she can show you how you will be in the future.

The Fairy called Teena and asked her to see her reflection. In the mirror, Teena saw her as a brilliant doctor fighting to save a life. She was all dressed up in surgical scrubs with mask and gloves on her hand. Holding the surgical knife and doing what she knows. She looked confident but she no longer cared about her height or the dark skin complexion.

It was Rinku’s turn, when she saw her in the mirror. She could see her as ballet dancer performing in front of a big crowd. And it was because of her height and passion for dance she made up to this level. Especially the eyes were so expressive when she dances. Rinku was glad to see her future.

Alankrita got the mirror from the fairy and she could see a strong woman running super fast in Olympics race. It was her. She had won the gold medal for her country.

That day became the most special day in the girls life. All got their turn to see what they will become in the future. The mirror changed their flaws of their outer look and gave confidence to see their talents they were born with.

Finally, it was Adelina’s turn to look into the mirror. She was standing in front of little children and teaching them lessons. She taught the kids with patience, wisdom and love. Adelina wondered that how her big nose fitted her beautiful round face perfectly.

kids story

The Fairy said “Beauty is not about the height, size, facial features, complexion or hair length …Beauty is all about becoming who you really are and believing in yourself”.

The Fairy wished “Happy Birthday Adelina!” And she went back into the box.

Moral: The most beautiful thing you can wear is your Confidence. Each one is different from one another. You should understand how unique you are. There is no copy of you, you are Original. Everyone is blessed with a God-given talent, find it and make use of it. All the best for your future!





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