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Britannia "The Perfect Girl"

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Britannia, an 11 year old girl did juggling very well. She juggles balls, clubs, rings, hats, plates and many. She is well known in her town as “Perfect Girl” because she never made mistakes. People call her by the same they didn’t even know her real name.

It was Friday. She woke up and quickly got ready wearing a denim and sweat shirt with matching pair of socks. She wore her shoes on proper feet.

Britannia had a cute little pet Poochie, a hamster. He loves to eat grains and nuts.

Britannia never forgets to feed Poochie. She came downstairs and prepared a sandwich by applying carrot and cucumber spread and blue berry jelly on it. This was Britannia’s brother Bam’s favourite. She took an equal amount of spread and jelly and did a right sandwich for Bam and her.

Bam is not perfect like his sister. He makes too many mistakes. He eats chalk, spills ink on paper, draws with green peas took from gravy and he even plays keyboard using his toes.

When she stepped out of the house paparazzi were ready with their cameras to capture the pictures of Perfect Britannia who never made mistake in her show and also in her life.

One of the local reporters asked her, “Hey Girl did you made your bed?”

She answered “Yes, as usual. I neatly made my bed”

The next reporter asked “Did you made your breakfast?”

She said “Yeah…Of course. I made my sandwich”.

Third question from the reporter, “What about tonight talents show?”

Britannia, “Yes I will be on the show performing my juggling act”. She left to school.

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In school, Britannia attended cookery class. She had two members in her team, they were her best friends too- Carmelin and Patricia. The cookery teacher asked the team to make a giant muffin. The three girls planned to bake a Jumbo baked egg muffin. Carmelin asked Britannia to get 4 eggs from the refrigerator.

Britannia carefully picked the biggest eggs for the egg tray and carried them.

On the way, her legs slipped out from under her. The eggs were in the air. Flyinnngggg…..

She was about to make her first mistake.

But she caught all the four eggs – She landed flat and caught two eggs by her hands, one by mouth and one by feet. But on the other side seeing this stunt Patricia mistakenly poured the muffin batter on the counter top.

The rest of the day, Britannia couldn’t stop thinking about what happened in the cookery class.

That evening when she was returning back home, she saw her friends Carmelin and Patricia sliding and ice skating on the frozen lake. They both laughed each time when they fall.  They saw Britannia walking by, they called her to join the ice skating because it was so much fun. But Britannia was not in the mood to play. She waved her hands and went back home.

She was worried about the talent show that if something might go wrong.

When Mom, Dad, Bam were at the dinning, Britannia's face was so worried and upset. Her father asked her “What’s the problem dear? Looks like you didn’t touch your food”

Britannia answered “Pop, I am lil nervous and scared that I might mess up today’s show”

Dad patted on her back and smiled said “You are my Little Perfect. Don’t worry. You will do a wonderful job today”.

After having a little food, Britannia got ready for her talent show. She got Poochie from his glass house and got the salt shaker from the kitchen and lastly filled a balloon with water.

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Her school auditorium was all ready for the show. The kids behind the stage were rehearsing their act. Britannia walked through the crowd and found a place to sit and watch the show behind stage.

It was her turn. Chopin’s music played at background. Britannia was standing in the centre of the stage. First she threw Poochie into the air next the salt shaker then came the water balloon. The juggling act started.

People cheered her by clapping hands. Some pointed and shouted that’s “the Perfect girl”.

Britannia noticed something was wrong.

From the salt shaker sprinkled black powder on Poochie’s nose. It was Pepper instead of Salt.

“Aaachoooooooooo” sneezed Poochie. 

Poochie grabbed the water balloon with his sharp claws. The water balloon burst. The water fell on Britannia’s head along with the balloon pieces and Poochie. 

Poochie tightly grabbed Britannia’s hair.

The music stopped. It was a BIG mistake.

Being embarrassed and didn’t know what to do next. Cry? Run off the stage or say thank you and leave?

The crowd was looking at her because they couldn’t believe that the Perfect girl made a mistake. It was a BIGGG MISTAKE.

Britannia looked up Poochie who was fully soaked in water. He looked back.

kids story |short stories | bedtime stories for kids | moral story for kids| stories in English | kids stories in Englishstories good | story moral stories | stories stories story| stories story story| story stories stories| story story stories

In that complete silence, Britannia started laughing and Poochie joined in. The audience slowly started with a giggle, and then a chuckle and it became a laugh.

That night Britannia slept well without any worries.

The next day morning there were no paparazzi waiting to neither ask any questions nor take pictures of her. She wore her favourite color dungarees. She made a mixed combo of jelly, peanut butter, mayonnaise sandwich and shared it with her brother Bam. They both enjoyed the yummy breakfast.

She had a wonderful time in the school and also broke two eggs during her cookery class.

She even played ice skating with her friends Carmelin and Patricia. All three slipped, slided and laughed.

Now people don’t call her the Perfect girl instead they call her by her name Britannia.

She was not afraid of making mistakes anymore.


Moral: Mistakes are the portal of discovery

















  1. Very nice story to read. No one is perfect. Mistakes made perfect to humans.

  2. Nice story .. I love mistakes ..


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