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Discussion About Corona in Classroom

The class teacher, Mrs. Seema started her online class for grade 3, as usual. By 8.30 am it’s the class teacher’s period.  She took attendance starting with Adelina and ending with Yuva. During class teacher’s time, she always talks about a general topic. The kids should answer whatever they know about it.

That morning she asked her students “What is Corona?”

Everyone raised their hands (there is an option for hand raise button in the app which they are using for online classes).

The class teacher called out “Karthik, tell me what is this corona? What do you know about it?” He answered “Mam, I know corona very well, it is a spiky monster. It has two bulging angry eyes, a nose and a big mouth full of teeth. It is green in color. I have seen lots of corona pictures in television, internet, whatsapp and posters on the walls”.

Corona Virus

Mrs. Seema laughed “Is it? Good, good!. Anybody else can tell me about it”

Roshini said “Mam, it straightly came from China and now it’s living here in India”

“Corona and Covid, both are different viruses, Mam” Priya answered.

Lalith shouted “Mam, It will always be with us and it won’t go from this world”.

Anan giggled and said “It’s not Corona, It is Kurma, Mam!”

Finally Adelina answered “Corona virus was discovered in the year 2019, which is why it is named Covid -19. It is a virus which spreads through air. All the doctors and nurses are trying to protect us from this virus. This is the reason why we are staying in our homes and attending the online classes”.

“Well said Adelina!” Mrs. Seema appreciated her.

Mrs. Seema also appreciated all the other kids for sharing their own opinions and thoughts about Corona.

The class teacher looked at the kids through her laptop's camera and said “Let this corona be an alien or a monster or a virus or any form. How do you protect yourself from it?”

All the kids shouted together “SMS! SMS! ”

“Explain it the full form” asked Mrs. Seema

“Sanitizer! Mask! Social Distancing!” the kids shouted.

 “Now who will explain me about this SMS” the teacher asked.

Sashmith answered “Mam, Sanitizer is like a gel or liquid form in a small bottle. We can put two to three drops of it and rub our hands together. This will kill the germs!”

Padma said “Mam, I will speak about Mask. We must wear a mask when we go out of our house. It should cover the nose and our mouth. This mask will not allow the virus to enter our body”

Mrs. Seema appreciated Sashmith and Padma for the right answers.

“Who will give me the last answer for Social Distancing?” the teacher asked.

A cracked voice came out “Mam…..I will tell”. It is Surya, the quiet boy in the class.

The teacher asked him to switch on the web camera so the other kids can see him.

Surya slowly answered “Mam, we should maintain a distance of at least 6 feet away from every individual. This distancing can avoid catching Covid 19”

“Very Good! Surya” The teacher appreciated Surya.

Mrs. Seema said “my class students are very wise and smart kids. I am happy that you all are aware of corona and how to prevent yourself and your family from it”

She thanked the kids and left the meeting.  The kids were waiting for the next teacher to come and start the class.



Corona covid 19




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