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Lost Suhani

It’s a Sunday, Suhani and her mother went to a mall for shopping. Suhani was holding her mom’s hand because the mall was crowded.

Suhani’s mom saw her friend Priya in the Mall. She called out “Priya! Priya! Look here, near Lifestyle shop!

Priya saw Suhani’s mom and came towards her. They started speaking all the stories. Suhani was seeing all the shops around her. There were shops for toys, outfits, handbags, books, shoes, fashion accessories, small ice cream parlors, and coffee shop.

The kids train carried 10 to 12 kids and running around the first floor. The Mall was so colorfully litted and Suhani was mesmerized with the decors and big chandeliers hanging from the centre of the mall’s highest dome.

In an excitement, Suhani left her mom’s hand and started wandering and looking at the beautifully displayed items on the window in front of every shop. Suddenly she realized that she was lost in the crowd. She called out “Amma! amma! Where are you?” People in the mall started staring at her.

the lost story

Suhani started crying. An uncle in blue shirt stopped by and asked her “What is your name and where are your parents?” Suhani is a sad tone said “My name is Suhani, I came with my mom. Now I am lost”.

The Uncle again asked “where is your home? Do you know the address or do you have your parent’s mobile number?”

Suhani said I live in a yellow house, I don’t know my amma’s phone number? Again she started calling “Amma! Amma!”And started crying.

An Aunty in red saree came near her and said “Please don’t cry we will help you to find your mom”

Meanwhile Suhani’s Uncle coincidently came to the mall with his friends. And he saw a group of people gathered around a kid. He went near to check what’s the matter. He found Suhani crying. He immediately went and carried her in his arms. Suhani happily called out “Maamaji, I am lost in this mall; I and amma came here to buy things”.

Suhani’s uncle said “Don’t cry baby! I will call and speak to your mom now”

He ranged to Suhani’s mom. She picked up the call and she started narrating to her brother that she lost Suhani in the mall.

Suhani’s Uncle said “Don’t worry sister! I found Suhani, she is with me now. Please come near the ice cream shop, we are waiting for you”.

Suhani’s mom finally found them and went and hugged her daughter.

Moral: Be careful in the crowded places; never leave your parents hands. Hold them tight or you will get lost.



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