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Tanu’s Sports Day

Today is Sports Day in Tanu’s School. Tanu is studying in class 3. She is a very wise and active girl. She is good at studies. She participates in all the competitions and wins prizes too.

A day before the Sports Day, the class teacher instructed the students that they need not bring their school bags, but should carry some snacks box and their water bottles.

Tanu was excited to participate in the games.

For class 3, they have Frog race. For Class 4, it is sack race and for class 5, they have Lemon and spoon race. Tanu gave her name for the Frog race. Other Children from her class also gave their names for the race.

The school had a very big playground for all the games to be conducted. Trees were lined up in one side of the playground. So, it was shady for the kids to sit under the tree and watch the race. They also put benches for the teachers to sit and take care of their students.

With White powder, long track lines were drawn on the ground with numbers marked on it. The school’s Sports teacher, Mr. Raj was ready to blow his whistle for the race to start.

A teacher in the Mic called “Class 3 students get ready for the frog race”.

Tanu stood briskly on the track line with other kids who were allotted to each track.  When the Sports teacher whistled, she jumped, jumped and jumped … Finally she was the first to reach the finish line. Everyone clapped their hands for her.

sports day story

Class 4 was ready for the sack race. They heard the whistle blew and the students got into the sack and started jumping. Suddenly, Raju fell on the ground. All the other kids who were watching the race started laughing “Haha….haha…haaa…”

Raju felt ashamed. Seeing this, Tanu ran to the track and lifted him and asked “Brother! Are you okay?” Raju said “Yes Tanu, I am Fine”.    

Tanu, “then what are you waiting for! Continue the race!”

Raju pulled his sack and started jumping.

At the end of the day, Prizes were given to the winners. Tanu received her First prize along with special appreciations for helping the kid during the race. Tanu parents were very proud of her.

Lesson: Instead of laughing at other’s fault, you can come forward and help/teach them.


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