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Reindeer Vs Unicorn

Coco’s birthday was nearing. This time she wanted a different gift. She wanted a reindeer on her birthday. Not any wild reindeer, she wanted Rudolph – Santa’s reindeer. Coco doesn’t know to whom she should ask dad or mom or her grandparents or Santa.

Coco took a paper and started writing a letter to Santa. In the letter she wrote “Dear Santa, My Birthday is on July 1st midst of the year summer season. You can let Rudolph to come to my Birthday party and stay with me for few months. When Christmas season begins I will send him back to you to North Pole. This will be the best birthday present ever”.

Coco posted the letter addressed to Santa, North Pole and waited for a positive reply from him.

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On the day of Coco’s Birthday, she decorated her home in reindeer theme. Reindeer bunting, reindeer party caps, reindeer designed plates and even a reindeer shaped birthday cake but no real reindeer no Rudolph.

Coco was upset and sad that Santa didn’t send Rudolph on her birthday.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Coco ran and opened it. You know who was standing in front of her…ah…it was Rudolph, the reindeer. He had a bright red glowing nose, bells hanging on each branch of his horn, and a red scarf around his neck. Rudolph handed a letter to Coco.

Coco read it. It was written by Santa, “Rudolph was free this summer. Please take a good care of him. He eats carrots and herbs. In leisure time he listens to Christmas songs. But never let him meet any Unicorn”.

Coco said to herself “Why would Santa say that I should not let Rudolph meet a Unicorn. I think he should have mentioned some wild Unicorn but not mine. Crystal is kind and can get along well with all the animals”.

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Coco had a beautiful white hairy unicorn with a horn on its head. Her name was Crystal. She can fly up in the sky and when she flies she glows up and the rainbow shoots from her horn, making the whole place so colorful.

Crystal, the unicorn came to check who knocked the door. She saw Rudolph face to face. What Coco thought was wrong. Crystal and Rudolph reacted like long time enemies.

Both Crystal and Rudolph started a war of who is better!

Day one, there was a competition of whose horns were best? The unicorn or the reindeer.

Day two, who could fly high in the sky? the unicorn or the reindeer.

Day three, Donut stacking competition. Who could stack more donuts on their horns? The unicorn or the reindeer.

This way each day there were new competitions between them to find who is better than whom! Coco was mad at both of them for conducting such stupid competitions.

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Meanwhile, a mailman knocked the door. He delivered a green red striped mail. It was from Santa. Coco got the mail and it said Santa was having a big trouble in getting the Christmas gifts for the kids, as there will be a heavy storm hitting the cities and towns on Christmas Eve. Rudolph could light the sky but it won’t be enough. Santa needs something more to light up the sky so that he could deliver the gifts to the kids at the right time. Santa wants some help from Coco.

Coco with her team mates, Crystal and Rudolph thought about a plan to solve Santa’s problem.

Coco knew that Crystal could make the sky sparkle and create a path with her rainbow for Santa to ride his sleigh and this could help him save the Christmas.

Crystal and Rudolph appreciated Coco’s idea. Rudolph and Crystal flew quickly to North Pole to help Santa.

On Christmas morning, to Coco’s surprise Rudolph and Crystal was standing beside the Christmas tree. Crystal pulled the living room’s curtain and showed Coco the rainbow outside.

Rudolph and Crystal told Coco about how Rudolph’s bright red nose and Crystal’s rainbow lit the sky and helped Santa to ride the sleigh and distributed the gifts to all the kids around the world. It was a great adventure for the two magical creatures. They have become best friends after all!

Coco still didn’t know why Santa didn’t want Rudolph to meet a Unicorn. Coco said to herself “Unicorn and Reindeer are super powerful and magical creatures so Santa wouldn’t know a way to manage them both at the same time. After this adventure he would have changed his opinion on this.”

|kids story |short stories | bedtime stories for kids | moral story for kids| stories in English | kids stories in Englishstories good | story moral stories | stories stories story| stories story story| story stories stories| story story stories|

Friends! When you see a rainbow on Christmas then do remember that Crystal and Rudolph went for a fabulous sky adventure.

Moral: A good friend listens to your adventures. But a best friend makes them with you. And also Friends shows love in times of trouble not in happiness.





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