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Spiky, the Cactus needs a Hug

Spiky, the cactus lived in a pot on a window sill. It was an empty house in a hot desert that is as dry as a bone. Spiky loves that place because it is peaceful and quiet. No visitors at all.  

Spiky is green thorny cactus plant that remained there for many years. Nobody took care of him nor poured water. If a few drops of rain touch Spiky, he will absorb those drops and save it in its body for months to be alive. Still he lived happily.

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But every now and then somebody interrupts Spiky’s peace and quietness. This time it was Roselin, the tumbleweed. She called out “Hi Spiky, how is the day??”

Spiky was silent and angry. He didn’t like to talk with anyone.

Roselin expected an answer from him but there wasn’t one. So she wished “Bye Spiky, have a fabulous day” and she rolled out.
Spiky was back in his meditation mode.

“Hello Spiky” said Oogway, the old tortoise.

Spiky shouted “Why are you disturbing me? And more over this is a private property you should not walk in here”

Those words made Oogway scared and he hid himself in his star designed thick shell and was afraid to come out and move. He hid inside the shell for a long time.

Spiky didn’t leave Oogway easily. He scolded him for trespassing and disturbing his peace.

While this was happening a new intruder came in. It was Jack, the rabbit hopped shouting “Hey Thorny! Whatzup!”

Spiky shouted back “Hey you…My name is not Thorny. By the way this is my yard. You should not hop here. Go away or I will shoot you with my thorns!”

Spiky lost his peace of mind as Roselin, Oogway and Jack disturbed him. He said to himself “Who will be next in the line?”

This time it was a fox. He came by Spiky.  Seeing the fox Spiky shouted “No dogs inside this area”.

Fiona, the fox said “Dude, I am not a dog. By the way you are so thorny outside as well as inside”. Fiona, the fox walked away.
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Woody, the cowboy crossed the Cactus’s window. Spiky yelled “Keep off the grass”.

For a minute Woody was confused it’s a desert from where did this grass come from? Then he understood that the cactus doesn’t want him to walk by his window.

Woody said “Cool man! Looks like you need a hug to keep yourself calm and cool”. He walked away.
It was evening, from the top roof a lizard crawled down towards Spiky and said “Hi Friend!”

Spiky looked at Pascal, the Lizard and said “Hey I am not your friend and by the way I don’t need a hug from you”.

Pascal said “My goodness...I am not here to give you a hug. I just came by searching for my prey”. Pascal skidded away.
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Hearing the conversation of Spiky and Pascal, Hedwig, the owl asked Spiky “If you want a hug I can give you??”

Spiky laughed and said “Are you joking? Did I ask you for a hug? No thanks, I don’t want!"
Hedwig flew away after an angry reply from Spiky.

For the first time Spiky felt he was left alone in this desert with nobody to care of.

The next morning Spiky was so sad inside. He needs someone to take care of him and give a hug to keep him calm and at peace.

There was a heavy wind that swirled all the thrashes. It crossed Spiky’s window, from the swirl a paper cup flew and stuck on Spiky’s head. He had short hands so he could not remove the cup by himself.

Roselin tumbled near Spiky’s window and said “Don’t worry I will help you to remove the cup off your head. Roselin knocked the paper cup from Spiky’s head and rolled away.

Before Spiky could thank Roselin, she was out of sight. Spiky felt bad for the times he behaved rude to her. He wanted to give something to Roselin as a way of thanking her for the help she had done.
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Spiky grew a best flower and wanted to give it to Roselin as a thank you gift. It took many weeks but finally it was ready. Spiky was waiting for Roselin to give the flower.

One fine day Roselin tumbled and came to Spiky. Seeing her, Spiky held out the flower and said “Look Roselin, I grew this flower just for you”.

Roselin was surprised to see the smile on Spiky’s face. She rolled, jumped and hugged Spiky. It felt so nice. Spiky didn’t want let Roselin go. Both Roselin and Spiky got stuck together.

They didn’t tear apart instead they stuck together forever.

It is better to be stuck together than being all alone.

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