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The Fire Goddess

Once upon a time there lived a warm hearten king and his kind son. The Prince’s name was Harold. King Alexander ruled the people so well that his ministers and people lived safely and happily in their place.

Fire Goddess| Fire the Goddess| unheard fairy tales|kids story |short stories | bedtime stories for kids | moral story for kids| stories in English | kids stories in Englishstories good | story moral stories | stories stories story| stories story story| story stories stories| story story stories|
One day, the King, the Prince with few guards went to the jungle to hunt animals and camp there. Suddenly, some knights appeared from nowhere and fought with the soldiers and killed them all.

Unguarded King and the prince were in threat of being slave by the knights. Then a witch appeared, she said “I can save the King only if the Prince marry me”.

The prince had no choice. He agreed to the witch. The witch with her magical power turned the knights into ice statues and freed the King.

The king was worried that his son Harold accepted to marry the ugly witch to save his life. The witch said “ My work here is over. I’ll only need to take the prince to my home”.

Prince Harold and the witch disappeared in a second.

The prince was taken to a cold snowy place. When he took his first step on the snow, he was shivering. The witch welcomed him to her house and said, “You look cold, so I’ll light up the candles”. The witch treated him well and gave him hot tasty soup and delicious food that made Harold warm and happy. She also arranged a cozy bed for the prince to have a comfy sleep.

She warned him, “Don’t touch or polish the golden jar in the dark room or you’ll get into trouble!”

The next day, Prince Harold was curious to explore the witch’s home. While he was discovering many rooms which were meant for magical things like wands, broom sticks, jars of insects, leaves, twigs. The prince saw a dark room. It was dusty and was covered with spider webs. He went through the dirt and saw lot of chemicals, potions and thought “When I came into the house it looked like an ordinary cottage but this room, it looks like a witch’s work shop! Oh my gosh… it’s so scary!”

While walking, he mistakenly bumped into a golden jar. When it was about to fall he caught it in the right time. Harold said to himself ”Hey, isn’t this dirty! Let me polish it.”Suddenly, a light shone on the jar. Harold was amazed by its look. He took it to his bedroom and opened the jar that was tucked with a cloth. When he opened it, something jumped out of the jar. It was a magical fairy!

Harold asked, “What is your name little fairy?” She replied, “My name is Lily and I can grant you three wishes! So what’s your first wish young man?” Harold replied “Sorry Lily, I don’t have a with at all!”

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The fairy thought, “If I ask this question to any person I would immediately get the reply from them...but this man with no wish…What a strange person!”

The fairy took her real form, the Fire Goddess. Some flames which was on her were burning and glowing like the larva flowing through the volcano. After taking her real form she forced the prince to tell his first wish. Prince Harold wasn't bold enough to fight the powerful Fire Goddess so, he thought of a wise plan to trick and trap her into the golden jar again.

He raised his voice and spoke, “My first wish is that you should become a flame on the candle.” She obeyed him and turned into a flame on the candle. Then Harold poured water on the flame. She changed back from flame to Fire Goddess. Then she said “I am immortal. You can’t defeat me at all! He noticed that the fire Goddess had become small in size.

He then told his second wish, “I want you to turn into a big rock.” Again she obeyed him and turned into a big rock. Once the Goddess was a rock, Prince Harold took a hammer and broke the rock into smaller pieces. But the stones started burning and melted and transformed into the fire Goddess again. The prince noticed that the fire Goddess’s power had reduced and now she had become smaller than before.

Then Harold burst out his last and final wish “Turn into a sparkling jewel!” commanded Harold. The fire Goddess had became a small sparkling jewel. Immediately Harold took the jewel and put it into the golden jar and closed it with the cover. She pushed hard to get out but she didn’t succeed. He tried to block the way for the Fire Goddess to escape. Finally the fire Goddess got trapped.

The witch appeared in front of Prince Harold with a smile. She told Harold “My name is Princess Athena. The Fire Goddess cursed me for my beauty and turned me into a witch. Now you have weakened the Fire Goddess’s power and can reverse my curse”.

The witch asked Prince Harold “You have promised to marry me so tell me should I be a girl at day and a witch at night or a witch at day and a girl at night. What do you choose me to be?

Prince Harold replied “I like you even if you are not beautiful.” When he said those magical words the ugly witch turned into a lovely beautiful princess.

Princess Athena exclaimed “Wow! You lifted the curse!” 

Prince Harold and Athena went back to the palace. King Alexander was so happy to see his son back with a beautiful princess. Prince Harold and Princess Athena got married and lived happily ever after.

Fire Goddess| Fire the Goddess| unheard fairy tales|kids story |short stories | bedtime stories for kids | moral story for kids| stories in English | kids stories in Englishstories good | story moral stories | stories stories story| stories story story| story stories stories| story story stories|

 MORAL : Outer Beauty captures the eyes but inner beauty (character) captures the heart. 


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